Tim Sullivan
Angus Sulllivan
About Sullivan Fly Rods
Dedicated to building custom rods with precision and care, one at a time.
Angus is a full-time fishing guide in Livingston who grew up fly fishing for trout in the Driftless area of southern Minnesota and for muskellunge in northern Wisconsin. He has a passion for fly fishing of all types, including Louisiana redfish.
Tim began fly fishing circa 1972 on farm ponds in Northeast Ohio, taught by his father. He describes his ‘Zen moment’ as the point at which a great fly rod fully loads on the backcast. Tim is a retired vascular surgeon. When not on the water or building rods, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Vascular Surgery.
After many years making fly rods for family and friends, Angus and Tim began building together, ultimately following their passion into starting a small business: Sullivan Fly Rods. Dedicated to building custom rods with precision, one at a time, for anglers of all abilities, and promoting local guides and businesses.